
@Militaris That made me think - if someone is truly affected by noise while trying to sleep im sure they will bring ear plugs with them but what about thoes that can sleep through general noise but you have a monster of a snorer and didnt bring ear plugs? Is it within our right to throw stuff at them and pretend to be asleep so they dont think it you? :) You obviously cant ask them to stop snoring because it is a subconscious function
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soap is good for putting in mouths to muffle snoring
I am a snorer. Have always been, no matter how fit/unfit I am at any given time. I have had a $3000 mouthguard made. Didn't work. I have had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction. That certainly helped, but I still snore. So I carry earplugs. Not for me, for others. I carry a packet of earplugs (individually wrapped). I usually announce in backpackers and huts that I'm a snorer, and offer earplugs. I take the bed people often don't want, right near the door. I don't care too much if people are getting up for the toilet throughout the night, or arriving off the track late, or leaving early in the morning. I sleep in the smaller room; most snorers who know they affect others choose the smaller room, to minimalise impact. Often it's a cachophony of chainsaws, all snorers together. So I laughed when I read a previous post that the smaller room was chosen. :D If a hut is full, don't be afraid to have an open conversation with everyone about it. Suggest all snorers in one room. I know it certainly doesn't offend me. I only get annoyed at disrespectful people. You all know the ones. Those who play music not through earphones but on speakers, without asking. Those who talk loudly into the night. Those who yahoo around, destroying any chance of spotting nocturnal wildlife. Who litter, leave a mess and don't clean it up; and those who use huts but don't pay. That TRULY gets my goat! But people who snore, fart, cough etc don't bother me. I am in a communal space. These things happen. I will do my best to minimalise MY impact. And I certainly don't have a problem telling people about hut ettiquette; removing boots before coming inside etc. But at the end of the day, I ALWAYS carry an emergency shelter at the very least. And if I'm dealing with a big group of disrespectful gits, I'll just relocate. And make DAMN sure my pace on the track ahead is not the same as theirs! I think that pretty much covers my approach to huts and the various issues one can face in them. :D
31–32 of 32

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