anyone heard anything of mr 900huts?

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his website doesnt respond anymore...
Kuldeep had trouble with his Knees, I think Had to give it up. Did a fair bit of the North island, and some adventurous off track trips Pity, he was doing great
no shame in that, he set himself a difficult task, 900 huts is one thing, but averaging one a day made it a difficult mission...
I found the goal inspiring. It's unlikely I'd ever be up for something quite so physically demanding again, but in my minds eye I was with him all the way. On the other hand, as madpom put it, it was a bit like trying to eat a lifetime's worth of desserts all at once.
easy to under estimate the task if you're new to the country... would require a monumental amount of stamina and luck to stay injury free... you never know ohws its going to go exactly till you give it a go...
Best bet is to research and truly base your decisions on other people experiences and then give it a go. Split your big goals into little chunks
1 a day? Over almost 3 years?? That just does not sound like fun to me. Or even remotely achievable. Not without a few whirlybird rides. :D
One of the biggest problems in this day and age is the need for a lot of people to share their every thought and desire with the entire planet through social media. To a certain extent we are all doing it here. When I first started to read about Kuldeep on here in Wilderness mag and other places I thought. Man this over self promotion of your dream may bite you in the butt. And it has. I feel sorry for him, he probably wants to, and is, hiding under a rock. He wasn't even doing this for a cause from what I know. I haven't been following this that closely. I just think if you want to do something huge, and your not doing it to raise money. Just tell your family and closest friends and do it. That way if you fail you won't end up feeling like you've disappointed or humiliated yourself in front of the entire planet.
it cuts both ways in america there are people trying to do the long trails in record time.... there are unwritten rules about doing this, people normally announce it very publicly in advance and gather sufficient evidence, usually GPS tracking records of their trip for record verificiation if they break the record just the other day a lady claims to have broken the record on the appalachian trail just after someone else proved they broke the record. she didnt use a gps device and her other evidence is on the sporadic side to prove she walked the whole trail and now theres a big public backlash at her for not providing sufficient proof
I just hope kuldeep finds his way back and gives it another crack this summer. I never imagined it would be possible to tramp non-stop for three years solid; especially not over the winter months. I'd be totally happy if he broke the 900 days up into several more manageable bite-sized chunks. As far as I'm concerned he's given it a go, made a great start and discovered how tough it is. But it's still way more than I've done recently ...
1–10 of 12

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