The Cure for Sore Muscles? More Movement.

Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. RICE has been the go-to treatment plan for pain and soft tissue athletic injuries since the term was coined in 1978. The method helps relieve pain by stemming inflammation in the RICE'd region. But in March, the man who coined the term announced that suppressing the body’s inflammatory response to exercise may actually delay healing.
It may very well dellay the total healing but at the same time it does often allow sufficient healing (or should that say recovery) to get you back on your feet quickly. ACC would rather get you back to work the following day with a handful of asprin than have you laid up for 2 weeks at there cost
thats a sad fact our our 24 x 7 society,
There's a big difference between 'sore muscles' (acute and delayed onset muscle soreness) due to working them hard, causing micro damage that then gets them rebuilding and gaining strength, and an actual muscle or ligament tear/injury. The article seems to mix up advice about these two without distinguishing between them. The paper they link to on ankle injuries seems to still recommend RICE immediately after injury if possible. The other article is talking about recovery after extensive muscle soreness due to exercising hard rather than what to do after an actual injury such as a ankle sprain or muscle tear. Cold and anti-inflammatory drugs perhaps delay the muscle recovery and rebuilding process.
@Ian_H on the mark.

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