Things you don't want to lose.....

I'm gonna start this topic. Because I'm an idiot. Somehow, I've managed to lose my passport. Yep. My PASSPORT! And, it has my permanent residency visa in it, which I only got in May. Now, this would be a silly thing to do at any time. However, it's truly moronic, given that in two weeks I'm supposed to be going back to Oz for the first time since moving here, to go to the NRL Grand Final and my Dad's wedding. Flights are paid for. Grand final tickets for myself, my father and 3 of my brothers in my hand. Guess how much to get a replacement passport in time? You won't believe it: $700. Plus. How do I figure that? $257 for the passport. $127 for priority processing. $102 because I'm not in Australia. Oh, and this is Australian dollars. And - get this - I can only apply IN PERSON in Auckland or Wellington. So another couple of hundred dollars to get there and back, taking it to around $700. And that's not even the bombshell.... If I travel on a new passport without reapplying for a permanent residency visa to be added to it, I forfeit it, and have to start from scratch, instead of being just 2 1/2 years away from being eligible for citizenship. There is absolutely no way I can get a new passport AND PR visa in just two weeks! So guess who isn't going to the NRL Grand Final, or his Dad's wedding? This moron right here, that's who..... So (mainly to make me feel better), what's the worst thing you've ever lost?
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so...... what happened with you and Marion after the trip???
A few years back was backpack in Fiordland - left my PLB in a hut and was never to be seen again. $600 it costed me which sucked but thats life eh
@waynowski: nothing, she met some other guy and fell in love, eventually married him, gave birth to a son, divorced, became a lawyer, and we talk from time to time. Some years ago, I told her about how much I loved her,back then, and she said, she knew, but she never wanted more than a normal friendship, she just couldn`t tell me, because she was afraid of hurting me.
"left my PLB in a hut and was never to be seen again. $600 it costed me which sucked but thats life eh" If you ever registered it, it could be interesting to call the RCCNZ and find out if anyone re-registered it. If not then maybe you'll still get a call some day.
I dropped a $650 camera down Summit Valley on Mt Taranaki last Winter, last seen bouncing down the ice in 50 bits. Turns out that particular model isn't available in NZ, so insurance company bought me the local 'equivalent'...a $1700 camera. Thank you Mt Taranaki.
just imagine how much insurance would have given you if you dropped it off mt blanc......
About 10 grand I reckon :-)
21–27 of 27

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