Memorial Stone

Has anyone come across a memorial stone placed somewhere in the Kawekas? I would like to find it.
11–17 of 17

I am suprised that confluence bagging isn't more popular
Probably because it looks very complicated! Think I'll stick with memorial stones/sites.
Have been in Tongariro National Park for a few days and bagged 4 memorial sites, official and non official. Had a great day walk today up to the Stanton memorial. Fantastic views, waterfalls, and amazing rock formations. Has anyone been to the Helicopter crash site memorial near the Ohakune road and got a grid reference?
Does that come from a need to remind yourself of tragedies you've encountered or from a feeling of appreciation for the lack of them?
Probably the latter! However, not all memorial stones/plaques are from tragic circumstances. At least 2 of them here the people were quite old and died of natural causes but they loved the area so much and had spent years tramping in the area. [unlike Warwick Stanton who was only 18]. The lady at the DoC office thought I was weird too, looking for a bunch of dead people!
I wouldn't call it weird. There's a story behind every one. Perhaps someone will publish a complete guide and it could become as obvious as hut bagging. Hut bagging would seem more legitimate to me if a story was available. Who made it?, When,Why What was it named after etc. There would be a measurable standard if complete lists by area were readily accessible. Is bagging just for bragging?
Or simply just a milestone in each persons personal journey. The stories about each hut and stone are many and varied not the least of which is your own story upon reaching that point or perhaps the possum interupted nights rest.
11–17 of 17

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