Incidents in the mountains

Post-mortem on Czech tramper carried out, track 'unlikely' to close over winter
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On a more serious note if that were possible, that Alpine Club (Auckland Section) trip up Taranaki, when the two climbers died, read like a depressing stream of errors and misunderstandings between group members. It was very much around nobody being correctly aware of who was running things. Groups split into sub-groups, drifted apart without being checked, and ultimately climbers didn't clearly communicate or turn around when they should have to the extent that two died and two more might well have.
Family concerned for safety of Swiss backpackers in Central Plateau Now located safe and well
My money's on that they're OK and have just forgotten to check in. Hope this is the case. Edit: I see indeed it was!
Taupo Police are pleased to report the two backpackers who had not been seen since Monday 12 December have now made contact with friends and family. They are both safe and well.
That's good news. I want to be Fairfax when I grow up ! STOCK IMAGE: A mountain STOCK IMAGE: 2 climbers (not those reported missing)
@pro-active: funny!
Injured tramper rescued, Copland pass area
Three people have been rescued from Mt Aspiring National Park in Otago this afternoon
Woman winched from remote valley after injuring leg
Fractured ankle leads to uncomfortable night in Tararua Ranges before chopper rescue
181–190 of 248

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Forum The campfire
Started by waynowski
On 29 August 2016
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