Powell Hut in winter?

Hey all, Just wondering whether anyone here has had any experience going up to Powell in winter? I'm considering heading up on Thursday and want to know if I need any specialised gear (crampons, etc) or whether it's too dangerous or not. I've been up in the summer so the track isn't unfamiliar, it's just the condition of the track after the mountain shelter that I'm concerned about. Cheers.
Hi, I haven't been up this winter, but there's been a nasty southerly come through in the last few days with snow down to around 600m. Powell hut is just above the bush line at 1200m, so there would be a fair bit of snow between Mountain House and the hut. It's usually manageable without crampons, but probably wise to take these anyway and certainly if you plan to go beyond the hut you'd need to be well prepared. Cheers
Thanks for the quick reply! I guess the blessing with Powell Hut is that I should be able to assess the risks before committing too much. I'm happy to head to Totara Flats Hut if I have to admit defeat. Just another general question you might be able to help me with - are there any other 2 night tramps you'd recommend in the Tararua's?
There are a number of videos of the current snow on the track up to Powell hut appeared on my twitter feed today. Looks like the video has been taken somewhere along Pig Flat ~780m and further up. https://twitter.com/SeanDG
There's lots of different options for 1-3 nights in the Tararuas and a lot of the best ones are along the tops e.g. Jumbo-Holdsworth, Tararua Peaks, Broken Axe Pinnacles, Northern crossing. At this time of year, however, unless you have excellent gear, fitness, and alpine experience you're probably best to stick with the valleys or to bush line level, where there is still likely to be a fair bit of snow. Make sure you check the forecast - Metservice now do a Tararua Forest Park report on their website. At the moment conditions are extreme e.g. -13 wind-chill and heavy snow. Here's a couple of options for this time of year: - Kaitoke Rd or Waiohine end to Tutawai and Cone - Waiohine or Holdsworth entrance to Totara flats - if fit/weather OK could extend to go over to Neill Forks and return via Cone - Kiriwhakapapa to Blue Range and could extend to Cow Creek and return - Putara road end to Roaring Stag and return via Herepai hut - Ohau road end to Waiopehu hut, over Twin Peaks if weather OK and return Gable end ridge, or if very keen drop into South Ohau but river will be icy cold I could go on, but I'm sure other posters have got suggestions as well!
snow should be not too hard, so should get to Powell ok. and up to the top Holdsworth. trip to jumbo and out is doable, weather permitting.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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On 8 August 2016
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