Removing boot smell

Im tramping most weekends of late and one of my pairs of boots is starting to really stink. There's all sorts of mostly useless advice on the internet: There appear to be products in the states like Mirazyme, but does anyone know any methods to kill whatevers growing in there without poisoning me?
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@madpom. Yes, that would be right. It's a pervasive nuisance at public places and easy to pickup. Never had the pleasure of experiencing the yellow toenails though.
Thanks, frankB for the recipe and I was wondering where to find activated charcoal so that tip about garden centres is great. I find if the boots get wet and then stay dry for the day while you're tramping in them, that really makes them smell bad. I also change my insoles but need to soak them so I'll try Napisan.
11–12 of 12

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