NZ Predator free by 2050?

And all for just $28M ...
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...and now that I've listened to it, it was highly worthwhile. The first half of the programme focuses on the social acceptance, political and economic sides. The second half looks at practical ways it might actually be accomplished with a 2050 goal in mind. Edit: Also, the referenced Ted talk from Jennifer Kahn, on gene drives and gene editing, is online at
I think when you look at the realities of peak oil (we've burnt through the cheap and easy to access oil, and there's more or less shitty stuff left). Then aerial 1080 is going to become very expensive at some point, possibly unaffordable. That will mean more people on the ground doing pest control manually probably with rudimentary traps rather than more complicated, resource intensive ones like Goodnature. It could mean we'll only be able to do pest control of critical areas in the future, not large swathes of National Parks.
A logical method is the predator fence. Build a fence clear out inside then build another fence clear that and move the first fence to the third position. Would be a lot of fun in citys though
oil would have to become incredibly more expensive before its more expensive top dressing with 1080, ground trapping operations dont even come close to being competitive for the amount of ground you can cover even with volunteers, its incredibly labour intensive to effectively rid a large area of pets from the ground and you have to pay for a massive no of traps theres some areas there are trap lines every fifty metres in a grid array, the no of traps racks up when you have to do that. helicopters can cover a far far bigger area in a small fraction of the time with aerial drops...
How do we stop the decline in our native species? [infographic]
That info-graphic doesn't seem to match its title. It does an okay job pointing out the species decline, but then basically just says "we need a plan and this exact amount of money" with no further detail.
In parliament today, Kevin Hague asked the Minister of Conservation some questions about costs and funding. Here's the transcript:
From Predator Free NZ: Influencing conservation behaviour – the role of social psychology : This primarily talks about cats and researching owners' attitudes to keeping them inside (or not). It references this journal article, which unfortunately is not available for free.
greens policy to finance predator control in nz
51–59 of 59

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