Weekend escape - Kaimai Range?

Hi all, I've got a two-day pass this coming weekend and I'm looking for a solo one night, two day tramp. Having never been to the Kaimai Range, despite living in Auckland, they're on my radar. I'm currently thinking of either the Waitawheta Tramway and Waitawheta Hut or the Te Rereatukahia Loop and Te Rereatukahia Hut. Thoughts? Any extreme mud at this time of year? Weather/rain is looking ok for the river crossings on the Tramway. Any other recommendations for a one night Auckland escape? Thanks in advance, Ben
Neither of those routes you mentioned are very muddy. Te Rere has a bit of mud near the hut but not a long section. Was down there a couple of weeks ago and the loop was in good condition. On the Waitawheta tramline there is only 1 unbridged river crossing, and this has a detour around it so there should be no problems with water levels. Other suggestions near Auckland (presumably you want huts?) are: Crosbies Hut (Thames) - will probably be a bit muddy but not too bad on the Kaueranga Valley side. Mt Pirongia (Waikato) - steep, rough and serious mud Waihaha Hut (Pureora Forest) - a bit further away but supposed to be a nice walk. Haven't done it myself
Pirongia is a good trip. Fair warning though, there are sections of scrambling up and down rocks near the top with chains placed as a handrail. It can be a bit slippy in the wet and the wind. The hut up pirongia is pretty nice.
"It can be a bit slippy in the wet and the wind. The hut up pirongia is pretty nice." Many years ago my partner and I thought to make a day trip to the summit from the western side up Otungaoko Stream. It was mid-winter, and after we got a few km up the valley the sky opened. The kind of astounding torrent that actually made seeing where we were going difficult. The Pirongia ash was sodden to start with at that time of year, but this downpour quickly turned it into a knee-deep slush that was completely impassable, even on a perfectly good track. And it didn't let up. It took us a few hours to struggle back down the valley to the car ... and while I must have driven past Pirongia hundreds of times since, it never once occurred to me to go tramping there ever again. Which is a completely stupid prejudice on my part ... on a nice day it probably makes a decent destination. :-)
Ive done pirongia a few times in good weather. And its a perfectly lovely trip then. Have had to come down in in pouring rain, and its interesting walking on a track that has become flowing water and mud.
Thanks for the replies! Some good suggestions. I've been to Pirongia many times - something of a favourite and, yes, the mud can be treacherous. I like the fact it's a decent tramp rather than a walk. The new hut is great and good to see they've kept the old hut there too. It's a useful escape if the main hut is full of noisy visitors. Briar, thanks for the info on the state of the Te Rere and Waitawheta tracks. Appreciated. Waitawheta hut is looking 50% full, so I think I'm going to go down the Te Rere hut and loop track option. Not fully decided yet... Cheers all.
Benwah - Did you end up going? Will have a few days while in NZ in a couple of weeks and wondering about conditions in case my plans for TNP don't pan out.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by benwah
On 6 July 2016
Replies 6
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