Hunua Ranges-K trig hut.

Hi guys, Just wondering if any of you could fill me in on a few details about K Trig Hut in the Hunua ranges, as info seems somewhat sparse. Am I correct that it has 2 bunks, no mattresses, it has a long drop, and tank water? And can anyone fill me in on how many people you could fit on the floor of it, or if theres enough room outside it to pitch a small 2 man tent or two? Emailed auckland council with a request for more info, but they haven't replied as of yet. Cheers!
Hi, Yeah, pretty much spot on with the description, 2 bunks neither with mattresses, and could probably fit another 2 besides, but I'd say it more a shelter than a hut, especially the winter months with no fire. I don't recall too much space beside it for camping, but don't take that as gospel.
Cheers, That fits with what I've managed to dig up on it. I am possibly considering 1000 acre campground as an alternative stopping point for a night instead, but that mucks about with the route I have planned somewhat.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Size12
On 2 July 2016
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