Mokihinui dam consent granted

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The proposed 83m dam on the Mokihinui River has been granted resource consent. This river is one of very few NZ rivers remaining in their natural state.
New Zealand is on sale - selling out the only real ressource there is for very short term profits of a few, and selling out real fast. Wherever you look, it's happening in plain sight, and no one seems to care. Worse, we are the ones driving it! Clean green? That slogan is a joke. Without demand for unrealistically cheap electricity and other products, and with more consideration of the actual price we pay, these things wouldn't happen. You know what you can do to prevent dams like this. Switch on your brain, and switch off your appliances. The power lines lead all the way from the dam in the valley to your living room. That includes me, of course. Cheers, Matt
Recycling aluminium cans saves enough power to run a computer for 3 hours. I'm fishing them out of rubbish bins at work, rinsing them out and taking them home for my recycle bin all the time - sigh... Well, I guess if you're prepared to drink that toxic muck, you're quite happy to pollute the planet a lot of the time.
Hi Honora. How many cans gets 3 hours?
Doh! one
Hah, thanks. That makes more sense. :)
Also keep in mind that the Mokihinui decision wasn't unanimous with two commissioners versus one, and that it will also almost certainly be appealed.. probably with a reasonable chance of succeeding, so there's still some time to go with this one. Meridian's said they won't start anything until the appeal process is over. The lengthy decision documents are at , and if you skip to page 296 of part one (chapter 8), you can read the summary reasoning of the commissioners for their respective decisions. The page at that link says a summary of the whole thing will be available from yesterday, but I guess it's taking them longer to get it out than they thought it would.
...and appealed. By DoC of all submitting organisations. Even if the appeal is turned down, imagine Kate Wilkinson signing off the damming of conservation land now, although back in February she ordered that review into DoC's advocacy role, which doesn't seem to go down well with current government policies.
Kate Wilkinson is scheduled to attend the Peninsula Tramping Club monthly meeting on this Tuesday, the 11th of May, which starts at 7.45pm at the Canterbury Horticultural Centre in Riccarton Ave, just down from Christchurch Hospital. The president of the PTC, Leo Manders, has requested that non-PTC members inform the club if they wish to attend this meeting. Ph (03) 356 1730. "Hon. Kate Wilkinson will speak on conservation issues and answer your questions on what is happening. This is a rare opportunity for us to have a personal up-close encounter with the Minister. The role of the Blue Greens will also be outlined."
That could be an interesting place to be a fly on the wall. I'd be keen to hear how it goes tonight if anyone has an opportunity to report back.
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