Heart attacks. Defibrillators not welcome?

With regard to having a heart attack and dying whilst plodding up a mountain on a tramp - what a great way to go! Well, that's one way I wouldn't mind going anyway. Either that or doing something similar on a mountain bike. At 70 these sorts of subjects tend to move to the fore. I have discussed this with my partner to try and soften the blow for her, if it happens. Better than moldering away in a 'home'. Its funny how so many people think that lives must be saved at any cost. I would rather kark it on a tramp than have to pass defibrillators on the trackside.
21–27 of 27

"What will happen to this forum if we lose Matthew? There is a lot of very valuable stuff here." It's not exactly a solution, but as far as content's concerned the Internet Archive seems to be scraping up a lot of it. eg. Browse the forums of tramper.co.nz as they were on 10th February 2011: https://web.archive.org/web/20110210215254/http://tramper.co.nz/?view=forums
Well this thread took a dark turn.
1 deleted post from [Deleted]
shall we chip in for a defibrilator for Matthew? ;)
Good one, Wayno! Best laugh I've had in a while.
Wouldn't worry about the defibrillator Wayno! From the sound of it we already have Matthew in a box, and all we are thinking about is how we will sustain our daily dose of Tramper.NZ and it's continuation. The dire times we live in :-)
I didnt mean it like that but its not untrue
21–27 of 27

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