women missing, kapakapanui area

http://www.police.govt.nz/news/release/search-and-rescue-operation-launched-missing-women-photo Central District Police seeking information about two missing women have begun a search and rescue operation after their vehicle was discovered at the entrance of the Kapakapanui Track, in the Tararua Forest Park near Waikanae earlier this evening. Police are appealing to anyone who may have recently seen mother and daughter Carolyn and Rachel LLoyd, aged 45 and 22 respectively, who may be tramping in the area, or anyone who may have seen their vehicle, a silver Toyota Yaris hire car, registration DLZ 347. The pair were due to check out of their Palmerston North Motel on 27th April. They were also expected to return their rental vehicle at 11 am this morning. Carolyn is visiting from the US to see her daughter who is a student at Massey university. Family members, the rental company and the motel have not heard from either of the women. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Carolyn or Rachel, or who may have seen their vehicle should contact Palmerston North Police on 06 351 2535.
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Doesn't have to be big. One sign at the roadend sorts the issue
Interview with the rescued trampers http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/79489835/unshakeable-love-and-faith-saved-us-say-rescued-us-trampers
Found in Ngatiawa river south of the track, towards the road end. just shown on Prime news
Currently online at https://www.primetv.co.nz/news
tv3 news interview http://www.newshub.co.nz/nznews/mother-daughter-survivors-my-mum-kept-me-alive-2016050115#axzz47NlDq3dS
So if they had carryed on down the stream they would of passed less than 200 meters from the car without seeing it and continued till they hit the bridge on Akatarawa road?
Na. If they'd carried on down the stream another 900m they'd have hit the DOC track where it crosses the stream 5 times. Just 900m of easy walking, along an informal cut valley floor track ... that's how close they got to the marked DOC track. A further 600m along the track from there would have taken them to their car.
A few years ago the remains of an older person were found in a park in Ngaio where he had gone missing some 12 years earlier and was not found despite extensive searches. He was half a km from home in an area of bush of less than half a square km. 900 meters if they had known they would of done it. One would ask why they didnt hear people shouting but we know that often a shout doesnt carry far. Im surprised that stream wasnt the first search
If it's the one I'm aware of then the Ngaio thing was as recently as a year ago. Found by children after 29 years missing. http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/68831049/Body-of-man-missing-for-decades-found-in-Ngaio-bush On this Kapakapanui search, people had reported seeing them on the loop, so there'd have been strong reason to believe they'd not simply walked up the Ngatiawa accidentally. There might have been a plan to search up the stream, but I'd guess (and this is just me making stuff up) it'd have most likely been based on the possibility that they'd found their way down to it from the top, which possibly put it alongside a bunch of other comparable possibilities. Still, they were found within the first half of the first day of the main search on the ground. How long would it have taken after that until sending a team up the creek from the carpark? I'm guessing not too long, depending on availability of ground teams.
true both counts
21–30 of 42

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