Flora Carpark Kahurangi N.P

I'm going to be using the Flora carpark in a few weeks and never being there before i have a couple of questions.Firstly how safe would it be to leave my car there for 4 or 5 days and i hear its quite steep to get a car up there.I don't have a 4wd but my cars got up some fairly steep roads[e.g Kashmir rd in the eastern Ruahines] I know most roadends have an element of risk its just i hear that Flora isn't that great.Thanks for any assistance.
yep there is one steep piece but concrete has been laid here.any 2 wheel drive car could get up there as long as it is reliable .i have even seen house buses up there. as for your car being safe that should not be a proplem as long as you lock it.i have left my car thrre many times without incident.
Flora carpark is well off the beaten track and only trampers go up there.(Got to be a desperate thief to drive all that way).I have left a vehicle up there many times for as long as a week and never had a problem.This time of year you should have no difficulty getting up in a two wheel drive car but if going in to the carpark late afternoon keep your eyes open for vehicles coming out.
There have been plenty of cars at the carpark everytime I have been there. Last time I was there a car emblazoned with the National Party logos and Nick Smith MP was there. If any car was going to be vandalised it would have been that one.
Thanks for the info guys, its very reasuring.We had a car broken into a few years ago when we were at Mitre Flats hut so i still get a bit paranoid.Cheers, John.

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Started by john dutchie
On 30 March 2010
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