How many have you walked?

1–10 of 13
5, but I have done parts of several others.
69: Seems like they simply grabbed the track route for the Te Araroa with a few other high ranking highlights from Google. I can thank my parents for at least half of those, tramped during summer holidays and long weekends
43 but some of them I just did bits e.g. I've been up to the Hurunui to Harpers Pass and up the Taramakau to Locke Stream but never been over the pass. I imagine Madpom has done heaps of those N.I. ones.
25 ... but then for example I must have done fifty or more different tramps in the Tararuas, but only one box to tick. And virtually nothing on the West Coast, or Aspiring. Fun and I'll bookmark it for future reference for trip ideas.
That is the worst north island track list I have ever seen.
It's not really specific enough. Something like "Tararuas Track" doesn't mean anything, what's the difference between "#9 Trekking Through Abel Tasman NP, New Zealand" and "#120 Abel Tasman National Park", and and what is "Waiau Pass 3"? Plus it's swiping other people's random photos from the top results in a Google Image search.
A waste of time.
its desirees first post, and you're just ripping the post to bits.... for all you know shes a ten year old aspiring tramper. its not a perfect list but it still has merit and good on her for posting it. people have complained about me being negative but i dont attack peoples efforts.... give newbies a chance, its mainly the same old people posting their critiques here without thought to how it comes across to newbies...
1–10 of 13

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by desireem
On 10 April 2016
Replies 12
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