Best/safest add-on to Gillespie Pass

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Hi everyone! Have been scoping this site for a while but finally signed up tonight. Forums have already provided a lot of info but I'd be really grateful for some advice from those who know this area well. I'm planning a walk for the end of this year - late Nov/Dec. I tend to walk with buddies over here in Aus but my overseas walks are usually solo so I try to factor in safety as much as I can. Gillespie Pass seems perfect but ideally I'd like to add on another few days. Rabbit Pass probs not a sensible option if I'm solo! I'm wondering if going as far as Top Forks Hut and the Lucidus/Diana lakes then returning the same way back to Kerin Forks and down would be fairly decent? Or am I better off sticking to the circuit and doing an entirely different short walk afterwards? My main aim is to avoid major foot traffic but not so much that I end up on the front page of the newspaper :)
@SianS - I did this exact trip in January. Our itinerary was: Day 1 - Makarora to Young Hut Day 2 - Young Hut to Siberia Hut via Gillespie Pass Day 3 - Side trip to Lake Crucible and then on to Kerin Forks Hut Day 4 - Kerin Forks Hut to Top Forks Hut Day 5 - Side trip to Lake Lucidus and Castalia and then to Jumboland Day 6 - Jumboland to Makarora The Gillespie Pass circuit had a lot of people walking it. Siberia Hut was pumping. However, once we set off from Kerin Forks Hut we saw very few people. I imagine during November/December the numbers might be less but I'd recommend bringing a tent, especially if you want to cram it all in to six days like we did. Highly recommend going to Top Forks. It is quieter and the views of Mt Pollux are incredible. The lakes are awesome and, while they did not have icebergs in them like Lake Crucible when I went, were spectacular in their own right.
Ah thanks so much @Pageix that's very reassuring. Will plan for Rabbit Pass if I have company and your itinerary if solo, it sounds like the perfect mix
Hi Sian, The above itinerary is a great suggestion. I spent a few days last Feb based at Top Forks hut exploring the area.Lakes Castalia and Lucidus are awesome and a great day tramp.I also visited the Waterfall Face for a day (looking up at it from the bottom was scary enough for me!). There are 2 huts at Top Forks so crowding wont be a problem.Most of the visitors there are passing through anyway on the Rabbit Pass route. Depending on your timeframe the jetboat back to Makarora can save a days walk back down the Wilkin. Enjoy the area,its got everything.Its SI back country at its best!
Be careful crossing the Wilkin at Kerin Forks. You can flag down a jet boat and pay for a ride across, otherwise it can be a tricky crossing. If there's rain then there's a decent chance that the top lakes cant be reached from Top Forks, and after a lot of rain the whole upper valley can be cut off due to side creeks and the jet boats wont run when the Wilkin's in flood. Just something to keep in mind (carry extra food!). Speaking from experience, I got stranded at Kerin Forks hut for 3 nights last time I was over that way due to flooding :) Fantastic country though.
I think @Yarmoss is right - it is best to be cautious. My friend and I managed to cross the Wilkin fine, though it was quite swift and certainly felt more dangerous than crossing the Makarora. We had had several days of good weather, so the rivers were low but it may be a different story in November with the snow still melting and the risks increase if you are by yourself. Some of the steams leading up to the upper lakes were also swift, but again we were fortunate with the low flows. I understand that it costs about $20.00 to get across the Wilkin if a jet boat is flagged down but we did not use this so someone else might have some more updated information.
Hi all and thanks so much for your help. Have added this to my plans: - Plan the trip assuming I cannot cross the rivers on foot, except via Blue-Young Link - Take more food than I need - Leave extra days at the end before flight home to Aus in case I get stranded or delayed - Try for Dec rather than Nov From the DOC info it sounds like I can stay on the left of Wilkin and Makaroa rivers all the way back to Blue-Young Link - longer and less interesting but a safe Plan B if the river is high. Would you guys agree?
"From the DOC info it sounds like I can stay on the left of Wilkin and Makaroa rivers all the way back to Blue-Young Link - longer and less interesting but a safe Plan B if the river is high. Would you guys agree?" Hmmm, do you mean from Kerin Forks? Yes, the main track is on the true left down stream from Kerin Forks to the Makarora and then up to opposite Makarora village, but you'll still need to cross the Makarora. And the Blue-Young track cant be reached from the Wilkin without crossing and then recrossing the Makarora (the Young is basically uncrossable at it's mouth without going for a swim). -Plan A is do your plan above, your choice if you use the jet boats or walk the whole way. -Plan B If the rivers are up use the jet boats at Kerin Forks to visit the upper valley and to get back to Makarora village. -Plan C If everything's in flood then settle down in a hut and sit it out and decide later weather to jet boat or walk out.
@Yarmoss have looked at map and see what you mean about the crossings - thanks again. Do you remember what time of year you were there when you got flooded in?
Just to weigh in once more - when we set out we crossed the Makarora below the confluence of the Young and then the Young River to get to the track. Again, we had good conditions, but the Young was waist high and not fast flowing at all. We found it to be a relatively simple crossing.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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On 6 April 2016
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