Tramping in April (17th, 18th, 19th)

So I am flying into Christchurch on the evening of the 16th, and doing the Milford Track on the 21st. In between, I would love to get some hikes in. A friend recommended Mueller Hut and Goat Pass, so I was thinking about checking those out, but am open to suggestions. Anyone want to join me? I guess it's a pretty short time-span, being that I have to get down to Queenstown on the 20th. I also haven't figured out the best way to get around just yet. I'd like to avoid hiring a car (that whole poor student thing), but I guess I can do that if necessary. Any advice would be appreciated.
Just hitchhike everywhere, as long as you look respectable you'll be fine. Generally to time getting somewhere I add in 30-1hr extra per hitch (worst case scenario), normally I don't have to wait longer thatn 15mins for a lift. The importance I must stress is look like someone people are fine with picking up, and smile. Oh and to hitch out of ChCh you need to get out to Hornby Shopping centre, which I'm sure you'll easily find a service bus.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by dhippy
On 28 March 2010
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