Dusky (sometime in March)

Hey everyone, I'm looking to do the Dusky sometime in March with one or more people, but am pretty flexible about when I start (I've heard the boat is cheaper with more people). I'm a 25 y/o guy, and am in pretty good shape owing to the several tramps I've done here in the last few months. I'd just expect anyone who wants to go to know what they're getting into, because it's apparently one of the (if not the) hardest tracks in NZ. Cheers!
Hi there, Yea I could be keen. Mid March would be good. 2nd/3rd week ish? Same Same age, well 24. Im based in Christchurch at the mo. Pop me an email [Email address removed] Cya!
I'd be interested depending on exact dates, I probably can't do it before the 12th. I'm currently in Cromwell just now. If you get a plan together then I should be able to give a definite one way or the other. How many days were you thinking of doing it in?
I stared a discussion board, which should be a more effective way to communicate. Please visit it for more details. Here's the link http://groups.google.co.nz/group/dusky/browse_thread/thread/dab2cc0b9dc9c3af
Currently we have 3 people going, and should go either the 15th or 18th and will end 6 to 8 days later. The transport from Te Anau and back should cost about $134 per person.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by helion
On 27 February 2010
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