When do people tramp?

Here's a quick graph for you based on tracks logged. http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bvg&chs=500x150&chd=t:247,48,49,41,18,21,16,16,24,32,41,43&chxt=x,y&chds=0,100&chxl=0:|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec
That's interesting. I see a little up trend in June, probably Queens Birthday weekend. In my opinion it is the equinoxial times that are best for tramping. Not too hot and not too cold.
I do most of my tramping May-September because fishing is to good during the summer months and I concentrate on that. I also do a bit around new years.
Once a month every month i can usually go about three weeks before i have to get back into the bush.
Made a new years resolution couple years back to get out once a month (every month of the year). The committment to that stops me from letting the weeks slide by letting work, etc get in the way of my time. Sometimes you have to plan because you can guarantee if I do let the month go by I'll be out tramping in the last weekend of the month in the rain!
Yep, I'm an all year rounder too. If I go 2 weekends without going tramping (due to norwesters), I'm Mrs Grumpy! On the other hand it's surprising how clean and tidy the house can get!
I'm a big fan of going in the shoulder seasons (autumn and spring) but found the last few years that I have been going more in the winter months(June to August) because of the attraction to empty huts and quiet trails.
i go every weekend except for when i am oncall which is every fourth week
Work has been hectic the last year so I am now shockingly unfit...have only been able to get out on some easy trips a couple of times. Looks like I will be changing jobs soon though so I am planning to head back out once a month for overnighters and fit in a few day trips on the other weekends.
I usually try to get out for a day trip in between milkings and on my weekends off usually try to bag a new hut, doesnt worry me if its raining as long as im not on the tops for it otherwise i will just try to find a bush track to escape the howling wind and sideways rain lol

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