Going with the Flow

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This thread branched from "3 days off. Suggestions? Go!" on . Explore the branch.

Kreig. Loved your story of 'going with the flow' (because the flow knows where to go! lol ). For me, being able to let go of plans and go with the flow has lead me into many magical situations. Not least turning up in Golden Bay and 'coincidentally' bumping into a guy wanting to sell Golden Bay Kayaks. And the rest, as they say, is history! Wonder where this post will meander? Oh, and yes, it is no coincidence that my name is 'River'! lol
"If I could figure out a way to take an entire 3 years off to fund a mission like this, I truly would." Hey Kreig, just surrender and go with the flow. It will carry you there if you trust enough. No, this is not woolly-woofty NAB (New Age Bullshit) it has worked for me many, many times. A good friend of mine set off to walk all over NZ taking minimal resources, especially no money (he gave away his last $20 as he walked to the signpost at Bluff before starting out). Check his book - "Walking in Beauty" at http://walkingclasspublications.weebly.com/
Well said! "Woolly-Woofty NAB". Laughing my butt off! :D I have thought about taking a year or two and wandering off with my pack, annual hut pass in hand..... I suspect we're the same, you and I. I have TONNES of crazy stories, and the vast majority of them stem from going with the flow, instead of planned outings. I used to get really agro with myself if a plan didn't pan out, but then I began to realise I had more fun when my plans got turned upside down. Oh, I still plan, of course! Just don't care anymore if they don't work out. Because my life is still all the more richer for getting out amongst it, regardless.
The author of "Walking in Beauty" was the guy who did up Griffin Creek Hut (alongside his girlfriend) and got the bath installed for his 'goddess'.
Awww! That's sweet! How the heck did he get it up there??
There were quarriers taking serpentine rock up on the Griffin Range. They choppered the bath in for him (and her). I used it once on a non-track work trip with a pal. We are too busy doing track work to have one when we stay. Some of the serpentine was used on the floor of the Palms shopping centre. It looks like low-grade nephrite. The quarry has a bit of history. It was worked by Germans at first and had a cable going down into the Wainiwaniwa valley. Come WWI, the Germans were interned and the quarrying came to a halt. Then many years later, the quarrying resumed but Ngai Tahu and Sandra Lee, the then minister for Conservation ruled that it couldn't be mined. The case went to the Privy Council in the UK but the quarrying wasn't allowed. I've been up to the site a few times and souvenired a few scraps of soapy looking serpentine. There's probably more nephrite in Nephrite Creek upstream of the hut.
Interesting. I might have to put that area on the list of places I want to go. Interesting history. Always good when theres a bit of a story to an area.
I'm two and a half years away from 40. 3 and a half from being eligible for citizenship. More and more I've been thinking that before I reach either of these, I want to take a year or two off to just wander and explore the country. After TA, I'll work solidly for a year, then take the leap. Plans change, and new and unexpected opportunities sometimes arise, but for now, I really do like the sound of it. :)
Me too but first we have to pay off the mortgage. Only 3 years to go all going well...
Nice one Honora! "Mortgage" is kind of a swear word to me, but I get it provides a lot of people the security they need; especially once it no longer exists!
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by deepriver
On 25 June 2015
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