Need Freinds

Just moved to Invercargill, looking for people to tramp with. Im 25 so looking for people around the same age. Thanks Mushi
Is the Southland Tramping Club still active? Probably full of old fellas anyway. Robin McNeill is the stalwart of Southland Tramping. He is the author of Moirs Guide South and an executive member of FMC. he also goes under the alias of Uncle Jacko in the FMC Bulletin. I am sure a phone call to Robin would put you on the right track.
Ive being going to the tramping club but its the same problem no one under 40 not that thats a bad thing most of them climb up the hills like there a mt goat stuck in a man body but it would be good to meet some people around the same age with the same interest, surpose ill just have to get into the hills ore and find them.
I wouldn't worry to much about your age Mushi. I am now in my 50's, and my best tramping mates are all in their 60's!
When I first joined a tramping club in 1971, everyone there was under 25. It was the complete social unit for a young person. We would sometimes get 50-60 people on trips and you can imagine the intrigue and carry on that went on. As a trip leader I remember one of the main issues you had to work out was who got to sleep in which tent with who. There was some major lobbying going on everytime some new young talent came and joined the club. Sadly tramping clubs have lost that younger element, which tends to keep other young people away. I think the people still around are those that remember those heady days of the 1970s. It is a problem efecting many clubs, not just tramping clubs. Another point is that from an outsiders point of view tramping clubs can seem very cliquey and a tough nut to crack. I have experience this myself when going to other clubs. The solution is to perservere and go on plenty of trips. You have to get to know the culture and eventually you will fit in and fit very well too.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by mushi
On 14 February 2010
Replies 4
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