Tramping Research Project

Hey everyone! Im a fourth year Industrial design student and I am looking into designing around tramping safety gear. Im wondering what problems,issues and possible improvements you have with your current gear? This can include anything! First Aid,Shelter,backpacks,cooking utilities. Any suggestions would be helpful. Im a beginner tramper myself and Im heading on a tramp in a few weeks ! Would be great to have some feedback.
21–30 of 30

Socks are an interesting thought. The double sock does 2 things. first and most importantly they slip on each other theroreticly preventing blisters. Second they help the boot fit better. Unfortuanatly my feet are at the top of a width sizing and a thin and thick sock is all I can wear and even that is agony till the boot warms up. Dont know why but after 30 minutes walking even in hot dry conditions I can tighten the laces a full inch and the boots then fit but till then my feet feel like they are stuck in an old wringer washing machine. The other boots I have here I cant even get on with 2 pairs of any socks. My feet will only fit with one pair. Doesnt matter though as those boots are 4mm leather and enough padding to insulate a house ceiling and even walking in snow they are too hot.
In response to shoes/boots.... maybe we need to badger these guys into developing the dream tramping shoe/boot. Some interesting technology going on here.... Would be good to hear what their thoughts are with regard to a high end hiking/tramping boot.
SophiaM, Here's another idea: Light, but collapsible/foldable plate and cup. There are some silicon ones available but they are relatively heavy. We usually take sturdy plastic plates but because of their shape they sometimes crack when packed tightly.
There used to be this exact thing available under the brand name Oriso or Origami or something like that. Everything folded flat but I cant find them now. Never seen them in use.
Thats not the ones I was thinking of but pretty much identical except the ones I saw didnt have a silicone coating and were not transparent.
YES. I have these, and they are DOPE. Cup, Bowl and plate. All three fold flat in your pack take up zero room, and weigh about 30grams or something. I have been using the same set for about 5 years? Although the plate is starting to come unfolded because it has the smallest folds. The cup is mint for hiking in summer but obviously a bit average for keeping brews hot when its super cold. I can't remember the brand name, origamo maybe? But I have seen them a few times in outdoor sports, on shot over street. Funny, when I first picked them up, I thought they were gimmick. But now, I swear by them for ultra lighters a must.
Still available…
Orikaso No wonder we couldnt remember the name
Good find, thats the stuff
21–30 of 30

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Forum Gear talk
Started by sophiam
On 25 March 2015
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