Tramping mid-late February

A good friend of mine from Scotland is visiting New Zealand for a month, for the first time. He is in his mid sixties, a very active and experienced hill walker (as they seem to call it over there) and sea kayaker. I will be doing some kayaking with him towards the end of February, but am keen to hook him up with someone to go for a tramp, preferably (but not necessarily) in the South Island. If anyone would like the company of an experienced hiker for a trip sometime in the next few weeks, please let me know, and I will try to arrange some kind of meeting.
I just joined this site as my wife isn,t keen on me going solo anymore. I have every intention of doing the 55km Greenstone Caples track over 3 nights 4days leaving Christchuch next week Wednsday 10th.
That's great. I'll see what I can organise. He may not be quite ready for the 10th, but it's possible. You can email me on [Email address removed], and we'll try to organise it from there.
I've sent my email in a message to you, since the site very sensibly prevents members from posting their emails in an open forum.

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Forum Tramping partners
Started by tlove
On 1 February 2010
Replies 3
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