sutherland falls

is it possible to do a day hike to the falls or is it only possible to see them if you do the milford track
You would have to do it outside of Great Walks season as the falls are closer to the Milford Sound end of the track then the Te Anau end, and you cant walk Milford to Te Anau during GWS. Even then you would have to get across to Sanfly point via boat somehow, walk all the way up to the falls (Im not sure how long that is but its normally on the 2nd/3rd day that you pass them), then get all the way back down to boat back. IMO you are better off taking your time (do it in 2 days, or do the whole track), or pay lots of money and helicopter in and out.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by ray78
On 17 January 2010
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