routeburn& milford (one of a kind)

Are the milford and routeburn tracks a (one of akind) or are there other less popular tracks where you could experience simmilar terrian that don't require reservations?I am told the terrain is such that you can't camp 500m away on the milford track.what about the routeburn?Can any part of the two be done as a day hike?what will the daylight hrs. be in feb.Thanks for the info.
It's not the terrain -- there are regulations prohibiting casual camping within 500m of the Routeburn and 1km of Milford (if I recall correctly). This effectively means no camping on the Milford. On the Routeburn,there's good camping in the Route Burn North Branch or at the head of the Greenstone Valley. Scratchy camping at the head of Lake McKenzie. Those two tracks are accessible: that's the key difference. There are others but they might be more challenging, e.g. Rees-Dart. Daylight is about 8am - 10pm.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by ray78
On 13 January 2010
Replies 1
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