What to take -staying at Routeburn huts in summer?

Leaving for NZ in a few weeks, and I'm trying not to overpack. Looking to do the Routeburn in early March, and the huts seems to lessen my need to bring a lot of gear. Any input? -sleeping bag: light, medium weight? -sleeping pad: skip it, since there are matresses? -pot & pan set: can I hire this, so I don't have to pack it for my whole trip? -torch, compass, map, first-aid kit: check -camping stove: sounds like they have fuel in the huts Anything else I should bring from home, that I need and can't hire in NZ? Just posted a message seeking a tramping partner or group, if anyone knows of one!
Are you only doing the Routeburn or are you planning on doing an/some other non-greatwalk tramp? You can hire alot of tramping gear (pretty much everything I believe) from a shop in Te Anau, and I would bet on there being a similar hireing place in Queenstown, depending on which direction you are walking the Routeburn. Gas and matresses are provided in Great Walks huts in March. Bring matches (you'll need them to light the burners!!!). I was there end of Decemeber and it was bloody cold. Hopefully Summer will have finally arived by March so you could get away with a light sleeping bag. Pots and pans you can hire, though you can buy small lightweight ones pretty cheep. Bring warm clothing as NZ is having an awful summer so far.
I would love to do some other tramps, but first I'm on the hunt for someone to hike with. (Just sent you a message seeing if you can recommend anyone!) I may bring more gear if I do, so that I can hit some lesser well-known tracks. Otherwise, thanks for the head's up that I should be able to hire most stuff nearby. And here's hoping that it warms up!
Hi, even if you're planning on staying in huts: Carry a tent or tarp plus sleeping bag and camp mat, and know how to use them. People get in serious trouble every year because they don't make it to the next hut for whatever reason and chose not to bring a tent, and some die every year because of this, too. It's avoidable. Don't be one of them. Have a good trip! Cheers, Matt
I think Ali Cat has done her trip by now, but I would think you could leave out the sleeping mat. You won't die if you have to sleep on the ground in March. I don't usually take a sleeping mat on summer trips.

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Started by Ali cat
On 9 January 2010
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