Ice axe loops on Macpac Cascade

Hi all I'm looking to get into the mountains more and am deciding whether I need a separate pack for this. I currently use a Macpac Cascade 55l, which I purchased about a year ago. Looking at the Macpac website tonight, it says the Cascade has dual ice axe loops, but I see nothing on my pack that I recognise as an ice ace loop. Perhaps I'm going mad. Is anyone that has or has had a Cascade able to point them out to me? Cheers Matthew
I have an old Cascade with ice axe loops but have just looked at the current models on the Macpac web site and there is no sign of loops on any of the Cascades
The Cascade 50L, 65L and 90L all have 2 iceaxe loops down the bottom. They are listed on the website under their "Design Features". I've got a 65 and 90 and they both definitely have them :)
Not much need for dual axe loops unless your climbing grade 4+ :)
Agree one loop would be fine for my purposed. Or just any place to safely stow it so I don't puncture myself with the pointy bits in a fall. Not convinced my 50l Cascade any. I've seen pictures of earlier models presumably like deepriver's, but the obvious loops on those models arent on mine. Will pop into Macpac on the weekend and ask one of the staff. Cheers for the replies.
Its amazing what you can attach to your pack with a couple of bungee cords. A 12 pack of various sizes is $6 at the Warehouse ;)
I have a four year old Cascade 65 - it has twin loops but they're removable (loop through the attachment point for the bottom two buckles). Maybe yours went AWOL? As an aside, they're not the best loops anyway and could do with being shorter, I have to twist mine around several times to tighten the axe down on to the pack or it swings around in the breeze. Must do a home mod one of these days...
Hmmm - thanks hutchk. I think I may have pulled those out when I got the pack, because there were too many loose straps and they seemed surplus to requirements. They're probably floating around somewhere at home, but not sure I'd be able to thread them back in! Bugger...
No worries - I've lost one of mine as well for the same reason. They're very easy to thread back through if yours do turn up.

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