Beech mast fish boom ?

@contour_lines ... You reckon this boom in rodent population is moving through the food chain and beefing up the fish ?. Incidently, the events in the year 1080 AD were in the 11th Century, but you got the gist of it. Nothing hard and fast in the rule book, but some topics are too divisive, so some would sooner not get into a slinging match. Regards ....
11–20 of 26

TararuaHunter, isn't it obvious? How much do you get? :) Hi Militaris, I like to think of the matter as a little more articulate than just an issue of pro-science/anti-1080. If you look at other scientific documents (MSDS, EPA(USA) Reports, and other PEER REVIEWED INDEPENDENT (read NOT paid for by DoC) reports) then you would understand that there is a little more to it than meets the eye. Its just another case of ignorance, and yea, indoctrination on the part of the media and government who are willing to play russian roulette with our environment. Think for your selves.
To me it's just a dead-end. I guess if people really want to talk about it then it'll happen, but I've yet to see a discussion about 1080 in a forum like this one which doesn't result in people who've already made up their minds simply talking past each other, repeating the same claims and counter-claims, and getting nowhere except for a higher chance of personal insults and bad feelings. So I really don't mind the recently deleted thread and tendency to joke about the taboo. It's an alternative to risking a flame war with people I could otherwise be having a happy constructive discussion with on other topics. When I have to choose, though, I'm a member of the brainwashed and indoctrinated club. I'd have to accept that I might be more keen to argue about DOC's actions if I wasn't.
"Just come back from a few trips in the Poulter area where there have been extensive 1080 drops by DoC (not the animal health board supported by Fed. Farmers and Fish and Game)". I didn't realise Fish & Game "support" and AHB. In what way do they do that? Genuinely curious, not having a go. I guess you mean morally, as I wouldn't think they have the finances to support anyone. Gotta save those few dollars for court battles against energy companies etc. It's a shame it's so hard to find information on past 1080 drops, as I'm often curious to know the history of 1080 drops in a valley after visiting it and observing the birdlife / or lack of, so I may make up my own mind whether it's effective or not.
No Pipeking, it's not obvious and I don't get it.
Izogi, thats pretty well put there mate! I have to agree :) especially with your last paragraph, although I felt 'brainwashed' was, a little harsh hehe TararuaHunter: "..and I don't get it." Sorry, I can't spell it out much clearer.. although you seem quite proficient with a dictionary, here is a link for you, refer to the 'internet' section: @contour lines, I could point out that 1080 has been in use here in NZ since the 50s (roughly the same time it was banned worldwide) and the latest drops were by far the heaviest. If it was/is working, question is, HOW MUCH MORE POISON UNTILL THEY ARE ALL DEAD? Pretty sure anyone with a functioning brain can work this out. Remember, think for yourselves - question authority.
This is probably a stupid question, but I know nothing about fishing... How do trout eat mice? Do they ambush mice pulling them off of the river bank? Do mice swim across the river and get eaten mid stream? Do they wait until a mouse dies and falls into the river? Never really fished so genuinely curious.
probably more of the latter than the former. theres so many mice running around right now, there would be no shortage of them ending up in water courses drowning. the trout probably wouldn't have to try too hard for a meal at the moment......
the 1080 argument here is pointless. people have their set opinions, the arguments going nowhere regardless of how many relevant facts people present. and not always the politest. people have been suspended and banned in the past for this sort of interaction. the site admin tends to be strict on adhering to the rules... continue the argument at your peril... go and start your own website to argue 1080 elsewhere where you an argue till your hearts content
@pipeking, I am aware what a SHILL is, just dont see how its relevant in this discussion
FYI. 1080 drop info is all publicly available. All last 6 years aerial operations are detailed on: Which doesn't mean I'm pro/anti. Just passing it on!
11–20 of 26

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