Pack weights

Happy New Year all! Have just finished packing for 3 nights up in the Kawekas - pack weighs in at 14KG including tent, food and 3 litres of water. I've been on a lightweight drive for the past year in the interests of saving my dodgy knee - last Summer I would have been packing 4 - 5kg heavier for the same trip. I've reduced weight by: - Swapping to a lightweight 1 man tent (Zephyros) - Buying a lightweight sleeping bag - Using a smaller, lighter sleeping pad (Exped UL) - Taking lighter foods - Taking less spare clothes - Stripping my first aid/emergency kit back to bare essentials. I'll get around to buying a lighter pack eventually - that'll knock another 1.5KG off. Interested in hearing how others weigh in for similar trips - a nice innocuous topic to kick 2015 off :-)
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I dont rate lightweight robs gear selection that well for NZ, it apes american gear selection a lot, light shoes with little tread and pretty minimalist on warm clothes. i'd be too cold if i wore what he wears in bad weather...
Yep, I agree. The approach of some of these ultra light proponents borders on silliness, or even recklessness, in the same way that some fad diets are actually bad for your health. What's next- dehydrated tents? :)
andrew skurka is extremly experienced using ultra light gear and choosing gear for specific trips, but he will admit he makes mistakes , here he documents incorrect gear choices for a trip where he skimped to much on gear and weight
"What's next- dehydrated tents?" Hydrated ones go mouldy if packed too long
there are poleless tents that use inflated tubes to maintain shape...
are they actually lighter? Theve been around for a long time but Ive always considered them a gimic
31–36 of 36

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Forum Gear talk
Started by hutchk
On 1 January 2015
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