Shortcuts to Oturere Hut

The prospect of a feasible short route to Oturere Hut has always facinated me. About 10 years ago I found a route which went up a tributary of the Oturere Stream which gave a reasonably quick and easy trip to bushline. From that point there was a band of horrific scrub. However 2 of us did it, getting to Oturere Hut by lunch time. A second attempt with a larger party was slower. At the weekend 7 of us went up there and to my horror I found that the tributary was full of windfall so we had to abort the stream and took a meandering route to the south, through scrub once again. We got to the hut at 4pm. I guess another place to look would be up the main Oturere stream itself. It would be wetter but might be more direct. I have posted a GPX file of my two routes. Is anyone else intested in this sort of trip? or maybe someone else has done it.
I was one of the 7 to go on Pimkey's 'bush-bash from Hell' tramp. Some of the highlights being - attacked by bush lawyer, stream crossings up to the jewel bags, and huge treefalls to clamber over. At 1 stage pmcke got stuck in a bog and had to be dug out, although there were some dark mutterings about leaving him there and heading out to the road by the quickest route! Up higher we pushed through dense manuka and scrub for ages, of course raining by now. Just when my favourite place in NZ was about to become my least favourite, we popped out onto open ground. It was such a relief to be walking in gale force winds and heavy rain. When we got to the hut and warmed up pmcke produced chocolate so all was forgiven. I guess when pmcke's legs, which looked like they had been chewed by angry dogs, have healed, and my memory of the event has faded like the 13x5cm bruise on my shin, we'll be back for another crack. But only if there's chocolate.
It's funny isn't it? After all that hell you start wondering if there might be a better way. Which, of course, there probably isn't!
I dont know the area at all but what I think is funny is a hell trip like that are the ones that subtly become part of the addiction :-) (long after the pain has gone may I add)
I recall whinging about the Waitaha to someone and Frank said it wasn't so bad so we went back about 10 days later! We did do some track clearing the second time round.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by pmcke
On 1 December 2009
Replies 4
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