Lake nerine

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HI everyone, I intend on going tramping to lake Nerine )Rockburn, Park PAss, Nerine, North Col, Routeburn North Branch). Are crampons and ice axe needed this time of the year? Cheers
You would probably be as well to have an ice axe. The couloir from the North Routeburn to North Col is reasonably steep and usually full of snow. I wouldn't bother with crampons because the snow will usually be soft in the summer and kicking steps no problem.
I'm looking forward to visiting Lake Nerine in March. I've gone past it on The Five Passes a couple of times now. Pmcke,thanks for your photos some time ago.They cinched the plan. I'll likely take an axe as it could always be necesary,even in summer (or autumn).
There were the photos I posted here but the rest of them are at if you want to see more
HI everyone, got one more question again. How is the route like and especially are there any avalanche in the alpine section (especially from North Col). Cheers
In March you will be OK. I would imagine that avalanches there would only be an issue is winter or early spring.
Well actually I'm planning on doing it next week-end.
I have been through there around Christmas time before and avalanches weren't as issue then. The photos with my route description here were taken in March or April so there will probably be more snow around Lake Nerine. You will probably get some ice bergs in the lake this time of year.
alright then. Now how hard is it to find the "proper" route from Sugarloaf pass and beyond lake Nerine? I ask that because I have little route finding experience. I have some but haven't been doing that for 20 years either. Cheers
From Sugarloaf is OK. The route is marked. It traverses a short distance to the left from the pass and the drops steeply into the valley. You come to a DOC signpost where the track starts going up valley. When you get to the head of the valley there is no track. You might find the occasional cairn. This area can be foggy and the route to lake Nerine can be tricky to find. I cover this in my route notes in It pays to make yourself familiar with the route by consulting Moirs and the map. When we were in the area a few years back someone was missing. he ended up in the Hidden Falls valley and spent several days in a massive gorge there before popping out on the Hollyford Track.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by dussex
On 1 December 2009
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