Lake nerine

HI everyone, I intend on going tramping to lake Nerine )Rockburn, Park PAss, Nerine, North Col, Routeburn North Branch). Are crampons and ice axe needed this time of the year? Cheers
11–13 of 13

hi everyone and pmcke :-) Could lake Nerine be done in 2 days? or is it way to short? my idea is maybe to camp around sugarloaf pass the first night, then park pass or lake nerine the 2nd and down the Routeburn the 3rd day.
Possibly. The Sugarloaf to Lake Nerine would be the longest day. I would suggest 3 days is probably a minimum and you would have to time it so that you get good weather. You also could probably get further on than Sugarloaf in a summer evening. On one trip up there we intended to camp on Sugarloaf but the weather was grotty so we carried on and camped in the valley. However, if you are super fit it might be worth a try in 2 days
Oh yes, just heard from the Otago Tramping & Mountaineering Club who just had a trip through that area. They said there is still quite a lot of snow around, especially above Lake Nerine and in the North Col. An ice axe will me a must.
11–13 of 13

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