70L Backpack for Sale

For sale: 70L backpack, the "Brio" by MEC, an excellent Canadian brand. $25 or best offer. Lightly used, still in excellent condition. It's a relatively basic design, no bells and whistles, but that helps keep the weight down. Size is "Long" but harness is adjustable within a very large range so it will fit most folks. You can see photos of it at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152877248789993.1073741829.711314992&type=1&l=b833683aa3 I'm currently in Christchurch, but will be around most of the South Island in the next 4 months. Please contact if you're interested!

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Forum Buy / sell / exchange
Started by Orla & Liam
On 10 November 2014
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