Altberg boots

Hi all, Was talking with a client who tramps on Thursday. We ended up discussing tramping boots briefly, and brought out and showed me his boots which were Altberg brand. I'm not familiar with the brand, has anyone used them before? If so, how do they hold up to NZ conditions and which models did you use/prefer? Was planning on a pair of Lastrite Trampers but the Altbergs look good too and are still in my price bracket.
Ive heard of them but never seen any in the flesh so to speak. The are one of the company's who supply boots to the British Army (Lowa are one of the others) and are supposed to be good quality. $200 pound for the tramping boots. I dont think you will find any suppliers in New Zealand, you would need to order them from the UK. They certainly look interesting, check out this link:
There's an NZ supplier ( and buying from them at standard prices, you're looking in the $400-600 range per pair, so generally still a little cheaper than other brands. The client said he can get them little cheaper, but not sure how long ago he bought his last pair, they seemed rather well-used!
I have bought a pair of Altberg Jungle Microlites (they are supposedly good for being wet all day long and absorbing relatively little water). First proper test will be Dusky next week. Will be able to say how good they are after then! In terms of the fit, they are fairly narrow boots (which is surprising, as they're a British boot, and British feet tend to be rather wide). The appear quite well made, and having worn them to work for 2 days they seem to have molded to my feet to a decent amount. Will post back in 2 weeks ;)
'Yantan, tethera, ...'. See the names of their boots? Well they come from a local yorkshire number system - supposedly used by shepherds to count their sheep. Haven't heard that in 30-odd years! Seem to recall it ending in 'bumfit'. Very amusing to a 5-year-old. Can't see the jungle microlites there on their site though...
These are the guys: Would be perfect is the mesh was a bit more breathable. But alas, can't have everything. Can always use a pin to make more breathable ;)

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