Sand Flies

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I was at Milford Sound last month and the sand flies were bad. Is there a time frame when the sand flies aren't bad? When are they the worst? Is there anything that repels them? Thanks, Ar
As for repelling sand flies, I last used the old fashioned mix of Citrus oil, Detol, meths and baby oil. Keep away from your eyes. It worked a treat, didn't get bitten once. Also take lots of Vitimin B for a couple of weeks before you go, they hate it. Vegemite a great source.
They are at there worst when it is overcast. They don't like sunlight directly on them! When you get higher above sea level they become less of a problem so I like to camp above the bushline. Or you can just keep moving till dark then the mosquitos come out! I just like to use 30 per cent deet insect repellent. Note that there are hardly any sandflies in the North Island and the sandflies are particularly bad on the West Coast of the South Island possibly more so than other parts of the South Island.
Sandflies dont like hot/dry conditions and they dont like altitude, so staying above the bushline in summer tends to do wonders in reducing the numbers of them seen... during the day anyway... they still tend to come out at dusk/dawn! Any insect repellent with a high concentration of N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET for short) works well. I use stuff called "Bushman" which is 80% DEET. Bit poisonous, but it keeps the little sods from landing on me.
At least we don't have lions tigers snakes bears crocs scorpions and other nasties concrete pills work real well!!!
What the..... concrete pills?? I assume they don't have bits of gravel sticking out of them. Wouldn't you end up passing stones? I guess you could throw them at the nasties. But i wouldn't want to be the one to test them against crocs, bears and lions.
sorry I was being a little smart as it always amazes me at the lengths that people will go to aviod them how a creature so small can cause so much annoyannce especially as they are't poisionus or carry diseases.have you never heard the phrase "take a concrete pill and harden the F*** up"?
Hey trevor: do you have to get up every 60-120 minutes, every night for 2 weeks, after being bit by a sandfly? Or I can stay in bed - but I won't get any sleep unless I get up and run cold water over them till they go numb. If the water's cold enough, sometimes lasts up to 2 hours before I have to get up again. Either way, it's fine if I don't have to go to work and can be a zombie during the day. But usually I have to work. That's why I would rather use insect repellent then "harden the f... up." :-)
I have walked in country that included lions tigers snakes bears crocs scorpions and other nasties and there are times when that country is better than bloody sandflies and mossies. At least they come at you one at a time!
it's obvious every person has a different level of reaction to sandflies. For me, if i get a bite, a dab of tea tree oil will stop any itching in short time. Effective against mossie too.
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