Chamberlain Creek - NE Tararua

Hi all, Just would like to find some information on descending Chamberlain Creek in the North Eastern Tararua Range. It used to be a canyoning trip but not many people do it now. The headwaters look outstanding with a deeply incised gut and I think once you are in you are comitted. Does the abseils require a double rope and is there a terrace to bivvy out the night, maybe around the upper Ruamahunga Gorge area. Cheers.
I was looking at this route for the future. Just wondering if you found out any useful info? Thanks
Yes I have some info for you. Character The ‘Classic’ Tararua Canyon. The raps are short and often into deep pools. Several sections of gorge swimming required. Access From Eketahuna, park at the Putara Rd end. 2hrs to Herepai Hut. 2.5hrs to the Saddle between East and West Peaks. Rock Generally very solid Greywacke Water Numerous short swims required, and most rappels end in pools. Full wetsuit reccomemend. Anchors Mix of Tree and Boulder anchors. R2 lends itself to a deadman style boulder pile anchor in a convenient depression in the stream bed. Gear 40m rope. Route Description From the East/West peak saddle, descend above the Leatherwood on the TL. Aim for a small rib leading almost leatherwood free down to the Creek itself. From R3 the swims and pools begin. Several tight gorge sections provide interesting backdrop to the rappels. R4 Is the tightest rap section. There is a long section of alternating open travel and gorge swimming between R5 and 6. R6 is not very far from the confluence with the Ruamahanga. Camp a short distance downstream of the confluence on the TL. Day two involves a few hours of gorge swimming sections before returning to simple Tramping. Rappels R1 10m Tree TR R2 15m Boulder Pile TR R3 8m Tree TL R4 15m Tree TR R5 10m Boulder TL R6 6m Tree Debris TL Time Can be done comfortably in a normal weekend by tramping into Herepai hut on Friday night. East/West Saddle to Ruamahanga 7.5hrs Confluence to Roaring stag lodge 2.5hrs Lodge to Putara Rd 3hrs Flash Flood Danger Moderate. Escapes At times Chamberlain is quite open and flat, so escape is possible. Wilderness Canyon, so any escape would be lengthy. Heres a link to check water ievel of Rumaganga. We did it whwnt it was running 4 cumsec.
"From the East/West peak saddle, descend above the Leatherwood on the TL. Aim for a small rib leading almost leatherwood free down to the Creek itself." Hehe.. thank god for GPS. Just three weeks ago, in thick cloud I nearly blundered down this very rib into Chamberlain Creek instead of heading across the saddle and up West Peak. PS When heading off Ruapai towards East Peak there is a spot on the ridge line about 200m along where erosion has badly undercut the footbed... an unlucky tramper might miss it in the clag and take a bad fall.

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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
Started by Serac
On 12 September 2009
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