Adding track descriptions to the website

Hello all, Yesterday I noticed there wasn't a track guide to the Gillespie Pass Circuit so I typed one up and posted it. On the screen when you "Add a track" there is a box to fill out called "Route Outline" which I assumed was a description of what each day of the tramp involves. Now, I cant for the life of me figure out where the "Route Outline" is displayed on the finshed track information page. All the information I added about length and altitude and tags and the photos I linked to it are there, but no Route Outline. If I click on the "Edit" button I can see it, but not on the normal screen. So I was wondering is there some button I have to select to display the Route outline, or is it located on a different page which the Search function isnt finding, or is something else going on? Thanks!
OK, Ive just looked at a couple of different Tracks people have posted up and noticed that people seam to use the "Notes" box to say what each day of the tramp involves. If this is what works then what is the purpose of the "Route Outline" box?
I have wondered the same thing myself.
Oops. That's entirely my fault. I started work on outlines but didn't finish it. The way I saw it was as follows: you would specify a list of waypoints (e.g. huts) and the walking times between them -- nothing fancier than that. It would simply be to give you an overview of the trip in a little sidebar. Before I get in there and actually make it work (as part of the new design, which is painfully close), do you have any feedback on how this should work?
Hi Matthew, Thats a relief I wasnt missing something obvious staring me in the face! Wouldnt be the first time. I imagined a Route Outline would be something along the lines of whats on the DoC website for descriptions of tracks... how many hours between point A and point B, things to watch out for and points of interest, maybe some advice or suggestions that the typer thinks will improve others enjoyment of the track... stuff like that.

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Forum The campfire
Started by Yarmoss
On 7 September 2009
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