Tararuas destination Maungahuka Sept 09 Wise?

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Hi all Sorry if this topic has already been covered elsewhere - I get little time to read through these forums (much as I'd like to!) I'm planning a trip to Maungahuka in mid Sept and just wondered if anyone could comment on conditions at this time of year (ie., from past experience)? I'm an experienced tramper in these ranges but not to the extent that I can compass navigate and I have no desire to be in knee deep snow and white out conditions. This may seem a strange comment for someone familiar with the Tararuas! I will make all the usual weather check s pre trip but just want to get a 'weather gauge' if I can for what the tops are like - and the Tararua Peaks and the main range in particular at this time of year. Any suggestions/help/comments welcome!
The only time I have been along there was in November. It was thick damp fog, not too much wind. Probably quite mild conditions for the Tararuas. What struck me was that there aren't a lot of escape routes. The ridge is also very up and down. I recall either seeing another abyss to go down or another wall of a hill to go up, made worse by not being able to see more than 10-20m ahead. When you get to the Tararua Peaks there are some big drops below your feet. I wouldn't like to meet ice along there. It is certainly not a ridge to be trifled with at any time of year, but I can't say what it would be like at any particular time. However, after a couple of bad weather Tararua Trips, we decided that later in the summer is a better time to go into that area.
I will be be going solo into the Kaimaniwas-Kawekas hopefully I will get a good spell of weather (most is below the bushline so I should be o.k hmmmmmm Mangahuka Not a place I would like to go at any time of the year...some tourists has to make a mattress cave to stay warm-if possible push on to Akaparangi Hut which is small(2 bunks) so warmer/dryer. Is a new DOC biv. It is desirable to be able to use a compass as it rains like 275 days of the year up there! You could always go to Mangahuka for a day trip or day there and back via Neil Forks Hut or Mid Waihine Huts. Neil Forks Hut being the easist to get to as a few times I have tried to come over from Holdsworth when the wind was up and white out to get trying to get to Mid Waihine. Neil Forks can be accessed from Holdsworth Carpark-Totara Flats Hut. Although one creek crossing here can be differcult after rain. So can the other route from Waihine Gorge. Both are behind Masterton. Or you could do a round trip Holdsworth-Totara Flats Hut-Neil Forks Hut-Mangahuka Hut- Akaparangi Hut-Mid Waihine Hut-Powell Hut-Holdsworth. If you get the right weather only a few hours of tops travel. Alot of other options in the park too if the weather is not looking very good.
I have been to Maungahuka in July and August. Encountered heavy snow both times I am afraid. Certainly a better chance of clear conditions in September if you are checking the weather leading up to your trip departure date. If you send me an email I have a mate who can see the tops from the Wairarapa side and make a call on current conditions.
Have opted for a modest and imho much more sensible trip to one of the Ruahine huts =) thatnks for the responses folks!
pckme, I know what you mean by little or no escape routes, a bloke back in the seventies got into trouble at the peaks and had to drop down into the north western valley, early on he had to drop his pack to save from going with it. Spent several days making his way out, a lot of recovery time afterwards due to Ongaonga and bush lawyer and living on bush tucker. And that was in September.
I have been toying with the idea of a mid crossing in January from Holdsworth via Mid Waiohine and then depending on the weather down the tararua peaks to kime and out Im hoping its about the most stable time and failing that if bad weather descends it wont be for long.
I'm gonna have a crack at Maungahuka early Feb - I'll either get lucky and be able to make the trip or it'll be off to check out the new Elder Hut with fingers crossed for some nice pics from Alpha =) I really, really hope the weather gods favour me though as Maungahuka has taunted me for YEARS!!
Just back from a planned trip to Mangahuka via Mid Waiohine. Brilliant first day from Holdsworth Car Park to Mid Waohine. Following morning dense cloud and strong westerlies, and that was just in the valley!! Decided to abort. Compass needed on the climb back to the Holdsworth Trig and blown off my feet going down to Powell and I'm no lightweight - 85kgs. A good decision, because if I'd kept to my plan I'd have been whited-out at below-freezing temperatures. Yet another lesson in how careful you need to be in those wonderful Tararuas.
Sounds like the weather we just ran the Southern Crossing (Tararua mountain race) in. Wouldn't have been sat 13th by any chance? Snow. Fog. Wind on alpha that left you bent double or clinging to tussocks. And the truck knee deep mud from Kaitoke to Hector. Best fun i've had in ages. Just feel sorry for the marshals from SAR camped on the beehives. Cold windy spot, that one.
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