What is wrong with this website?

Hi guys, The is not meant to be a rant. No offence intended to anyone. I have only recently joined this website so forgive me if this seams out of place... but why does it not fecking work? I try and view photos... 4/5 times I just get a screen full of code gibberish. Ive just spent 20 minutes trying to upload 1 photo, again a screen full of gibberish and while the article is there the photo isnt. The only thing I can get to work reliably (read: most of the time) are these forums, which regretably are painfully inactive. I dont have these problems when viewing other websites. Anyone else experiencing this? Can anyone help me? I have loads of photos I could share and contribute, but the way things currently are I just cant be arsed. P.S. I am a horrible speller and typer. I would really appreciate an "Edit Post" button so that I can review my posts and fix them up. This is the first forums Ive come across (and I visit a dozen or so) which doesnt have this basic forum feature.
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I agree, Matthew well done a great site,none better around
When the site is down I kind of go into withdrawal, I usually end up on the DOC site, but its not quite the the same.
Glad to see the location stuff is working again but i noticed the nearest stuff is removed, presumably temporarily. What is it with this "most interesting"? I am embarassed. There have been all these neat photos going up in the Pyke valley and the Bridge to Nowhere, then I put up my poxy pic of a tent in the Kaimais and it goes straight into most interesting. What criteria brough that about?
"Nearby" is turned off temporarily because that puts added load on the database and I wanted to get things stable. It will be back soon but I may need to review the code performance first. "Most interesting" is a work in progress and may need some tweaking. Currently it works like this: new things are interesting; things getting a lot of attention are interesting. Things added by people who are regular contributors are interesting. If your items seem to be gaining priority, that will be why. The balance points may need adjusting.
I guess being a regular does the trick. Actually you can still find out the nearest by going into the map and selecting other objects in the area. I like that feature.
Yes, me too. Pick a point and follow the tangents. For someone that doesn't know NZ at all, its a very cool feature.
G'day Matthew, it is a great site, one I use regularly. I tried to load a photo a while ago, 5.85mb jpeg, and wouldn't load. Was the file too big, or some other problem? Cheers, Peter.
You need to learn about resizing photos before uploading. Will save you a lot of grief and bandwidth. See this thread http://www.tramper.co.nz/?view=topic&id=141 Matthew suggests the resizing tool in one of his posts there.
I now use this one: the Prish Image Resizer (for Windows XP and Vista). http://prishcom.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!6A6A204ABDF15411!128.entry
Nothing wrong, just got used to the old site. How does one start a new discussion? Lots or work Matthew. Cheers, Peter.
11–20 of 25

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