tramping gear news and reviews

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Oh, I lust after the Montbell gear. Here's a 1000 loftpower jacket:
you'll have to use a mail forwarding company like to order from the states...
otherwise you can try and email japan to see if they will ship to you torpedo7 sell montbell but not that jacket
funny I thought montbell stuff was being sold by the climb guys at least it was anyway, I got my alpine down hugger bag from them. It was a shoestring setup back then, he sent my bag out for me to look at before I even paid for it...
*iclimb sorry yea they still do mont bell
I bought an ice axe from them last year - it turned up before I had a chance to pay for it. Nice to see some people still rely on trust!
i've got a fair bit of mont bell gear. fantastic quality. they make some of the best lightweight gear out.. ironically the japanese prefer overseas brands than there, own... if you're in japan and can find one of their shops they are aladins caves stocked to the brim... the head office shop in osaka is three floors, not that many shops for the size of the population.. the clearance section in the nagoya store i went to was just chocka block full of kit... with hindsight i should have just gone to japan with the clothes on my back and kitted myself out from the shop. i didnt have a massive amount of space in my bag on the plane to buy that much, could have gone mad with what i saw in the shop... so much insanely light gear you dont see in the shops here.
@hutchk awesome, yea Glenn (owns iclimb) is a real nice guy stoked to hear he's still in business Hey Wayno, hows the stuff priced over in Japan? I know its not called the land of the $20 beer for nothing! haha but never been there myself, but always wanted to sample some of their waist deep champagne pow..
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Started by waynowski
On 10 July 2014
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