Best alternatives to the great walks.

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The great walks go through spectacular landscapes, but they are also crowded, expensive and at times lacking the charms of a little used tramping track. So what do you guys think are the best alternatives to the great walks?
rees dart and cascade saddle in autumn... raglan ranges near nelson lakes... st arnaud ranges Kaikouras any of the parks on the north island main ranges, pick a track that climbs high... dont under estimate the great walks outside of the high season..
the paringa river, to tunnel creek hut :-)
Auckland's Southern Motorway. But not during peak time.
Isnt there a major water crossing in the middle?
DoC leaves the bridge in.
But isnt it too unsafe to walk on
Can be. Mountain Bikers tend to hog the track. Hmmm. Web page gone !
That pic reminds me of the Queen Charlotte track.
A couple of my favourites: Caples-Greenstone - it should really be a great walk, the whole Mt Aspiring area is great tramping country. Hump Ridge track - its a private walkway but it is awesome and suprisingly quiet for such beautiful surrounds. Travers-Sabine-Blue Lake-Waiau Pass- Wow! Massive country, good huts and tracks, classic kiwi tramping. 3 Passes - classic and justly famous amongst Canterbury trampers and climbers. Too rugged for a great walk, half a dozen ill prepared people would die each year if some of the buffon like crowds you get on a great walk tried it. I dont want any of these to become great walk's because it would ruin them for everyday Kiwi trampers. We need to keep some stuff just for ourselves.
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Forum Tracks, routes, and huts
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