Anyone for Heaphy or Hollyford February 2010?

Could be interested in doing the Heaphy.... I know you did not ask, but the Karamea - Wangapeak track has same of the best trout fishing in the country along its length. Although it is much more technical then the great walk.
I have not done either myself, so have to rely on what others tell me.... The Karamea would offer bigger fish but it can get thrashed by helicopter anglers at times.... The heaphy, especially around the huts can get heavily fished by people walking the track. The heaphy is much more popular tramp so the huts and tracks would be of a higher standard but would be more busy... Could go for days without seeing anyone on the Karamea.... Both go through highly scenic country, although the Heaphy track follows the coast for a while so probably have more variations. The Heaphy is also a bit shorter...
I suspect Fly fishing is the most popular form of fishing, most anglers would either fish a dry fly or Nymph. Fish size. The website offers ok discussions on different rivers. Heaphy "There are moderate numbers of fish in the river that are easily spotted. They are mostly in the 2 -4lb range, though do grow bigger especially in the headwaters." ( ) Karamea "Fish in the upper reaches average over 4lb and can reach trophy sizes. There are some sea-run trout in the lower reaches which can also reach impressive sizes." ( ) The Heaphy track follows the River for 1 day and 2 nights.... While the Karamea-Leslie track seems to follow the Leslie for 1 day, the karamea for 4-5, then the Little Wanganui for a couple. So does offer much more fly fishing potential.
I am interested, but it really depends on wither I can get the time off work and I would not be able to confirm that until closer to the time.
Sounds good.
Unfortunately work is unlikely to let up this summer so can not see myself making it.
Hi I am here from the UK for 3 months visiting family and tramping, quite flexible with dates but have a trip lined up from 5-7 Feb on north island. Could then head done to do the Heaphy if you are still looking for someone- I am a male primary teacher on a sabbatical.

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