Topic Notifications (via email)

Is there a way to get notifications emailed to us whenever someone posts on a topic that we start or are "watching"?
Only via the newsletter at present. Would you like notifications of individual posts by email?
Yes! Email notifications make it really easy to keep track of threads without having a ton of browser tabs open. Is this forum implemented in Coldfusion?
OK noted. Would you want an email for each response, maximum one email per day, or options...? Yes, the entire site is implemented in CFML, running on an Adobe ColdFusion server in the States. ColdFusion servers are built on top of Java, so it's actually Java that is running the site.
I personally would love an email for each response. That's easiest to implement anyway! :)
Also, if the notification-related email traffic gets burdensome, you can always add options to digest the notifications, or only notify on the first response after someone logs out. But until then, I do thing email-always is the simplest solution.

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Started by denalipop
On 6 June 2009
Replies 5
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