DOC replacing Angelus hut to prevent overcrowding.

[url][/url] I have trouble understanding this.... DOC plans to replace the Lake Angelus Hut with a bigger one because it is often overcrowded..... The current Lake Angelus Hut has 26 bunks, they are going to replace it with a 32 bunk hut with a bigger communal area. Thats a increase of only 6 bunks over the existing one. It would still be overcrowded. So they are going to introduce a booking system to stop overcrowding. Why not keep the existing 26 bunk hut, then build a new hut nearby and double the number of bunks.... All the booking system would do is prevent people from visting the area.
When I was last there it wasn't the hut that was overflowing, it was the sewerage system. Very unpleasant. It was well overdue for a pump out.

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On 30 May 2009
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