Improved mountain forecasts

Hi everyone. There's a proposal to get improved funding for the Met Service to produce more comprehensive mountain forecasts in mountain areas that currently don't have mountain forecasts. This has come after about a year of research through many clubs about what's needed. It's now at the point where people are being asked to send their support for the proposal to Steven Joyce as the Minister of Transport. (Not sure what transport has to do with it, but yeah ...) There's more info on the WTMC forum at,5903,5903 , including details about the proposed areas to get better forecasts and an example of the proposed forecast structure. Enjoy.
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Funny you should mention this because the basic pattern you've cited really irritates me with the entire news bulletin. I no longer bother to watch TV news frequently enough to know whether TVNZ or TV3 is the worse offender, but both seem to do this with nearly all their prime-time news these days. Most or all of the promos are along the lines of "Find out which brand of cheese was recalled following traces of anthrax! Tune in at 6", and during the news they'll frequently try to advertise what's coming up after a commercial while withholding crucial information -- weather included. I guess when you're a network funded by advertising and then schedule the news bulletin in a prime-time entertainment slot, the presenters get bo-toxed, grammar and journalism takes a back seat to staged drama (eg. pointlessly sending people to the middle of an empty field to report back via satellite), and news bulletins just become another entertainment show. Sorry, I'm off on a tangent here. You struck a nerve. I still like National Radio bulletins -- it's just bang bang bang with all the main stuff stated clearly, efficiently and to the point in the first few minutes, followed by whatever in-depth things are warranted afterwards (if it's the right time of day, at least).
21–21 of 21

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