Best Places to Live with Hiking Nearby?

My girlfriend and I love hiking, especially in alpine areas. We are trying to find a place that is within an hour or so drive of great ridge hiking, so that we can take nice long day-hikes every weekend! Meanwhile, we want to live within walking distance of the coast, so that every evening after work, we can walk near the water. For us, the ideal living location would be right near some sort of bay or inlet, so that we can see boats, animals, kayaks, etc. If the water is warm enough (part of the year) to swim, then that would be even better! Of course, we also need to be near decent job options (IT). I don't think we can "strand" ourselves in a tiny west coast town where there's no possibility of earning a living. For that reason, we're probably going to need to stay in one of the larger cities in order to be near the jobs. Which South Island cities do you think are the best match for what we want? Thanks!
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Im from Auckland and everyone in Chch seems to complain about the beach (its strong easterly winds) however I think we're pretty lucky to have a beach! I live at the beach in Chch and on a fine winters day, when I turn the corner the Alps leave me awestruck every time. As I said earlier, there are not many places in the world that you would be at the beach with views of snowy alps so close. There's nothing to say that you can come and start somewhere like Chch or Nelson and then explore and see where it is you want to live permanently from there?
Snap! I live at the beach too. It's more natural out here.
Funny. which end, north or south?
South Brighton.
Cool, Im North. Might see you on the beach some time
Ha. We should hook up for a day walk sometime. :-)
Didn't your mothers tell you guys to be careful about who you meet up with on the Internet!!
No! She was quite weak on internet safety and etiquette, what with it being not invented and all.
I'll leave a scroggan trail incase you need to come looking. On second thoughts, perhaps Matt should .....
31–40 of 69

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