Best Places to Live with Hiking Nearby?

My girlfriend and I love hiking, especially in alpine areas. We are trying to find a place that is within an hour or so drive of great ridge hiking, so that we can take nice long day-hikes every weekend! Meanwhile, we want to live within walking distance of the coast, so that every evening after work, we can walk near the water. For us, the ideal living location would be right near some sort of bay or inlet, so that we can see boats, animals, kayaks, etc. If the water is warm enough (part of the year) to swim, then that would be even better! Of course, we also need to be near decent job options (IT). I don't think we can "strand" ourselves in a tiny west coast town where there's no possibility of earning a living. For that reason, we're probably going to need to stay in one of the larger cities in order to be near the jobs. Which South Island cities do you think are the best match for what we want? Thanks!
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Christchurch ain't such a flash choice right now...and I agree with all the comments about the locals being clicky. I grew up here but have lived in Wgtn and the West Coast so I know what people mean. Sometimes I threaten my partner that we need to move to Dunedin (my birthplace) as we're running out of stuff to do here but the thought of that cold puts me off.
I have noticed a change in cantabrians since the earthquake, instead of asking "Which school did you go to" as their opening line they now inquiry about earth quake damage....
Yes, I get a bit sick of it as sometimes they're not really interested but just want a chance to tell you their own hard luck story. Not that we have much to say - 200 bricks flicked off en masse between 2 windows and a heat pump that did a face plant are nothing. I will always be happy to talk to people without needing the ice breaker of a quake story or comment about the weather. An old lady told me yesterday, she's loving being part of an active neighbourhood hub in a hard-hit suburb (Sumner). Very sad that it takes something of this magnitude to get people talking to each other finally but it's great that people are getting to know their neighbours. Of course no one talks about the TPP which is another disaster looming.
trans pacific partnership? thorium power plant? tropical plant proliferation? thyrotoxic periodic paralysis? theroetical particle physics? tertiary preparation program? town planning permit? my money is on the first one - failure to establish an Asia-Pacific free trade bloc could have long-term ramifications ! :) (Sorry, Honora, just letting my imagination run - what DOES TPP stand for?)
Given that it's probably to do with Chch, I'm picking its Terrible Parking Problems, or given Honora's love of tramping in sandals then it might stand for Toe Protection Problems :)
TPP = tectonic plates playground?
Ha Ha. Bernieq's on the money. Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement. "The proposed agreement raises questions about the political future of independent nations, about sovereignty, democracy and indigenous self-determination, and above all, the people's rights to know what governments are doing", Jane Kelsey. In her book, "No Ordinary Deal", experts from various countries examine the negotiations and argue that obligations from the TPPA will intrude into core areas of government policy - such as financial regulation, pharmaceutical controls, foreign investment, food standards, culture and intellectual property laws. Above all, the proposed agreement locks our countries even deeper into a neoliberal model of global free markets - when even political leaders admit that this has failed. Jane Kelsey is Professor of Law at the University of Auckland. Well, ya did ask!
and here was me thinking "Tai Poutini Polytechnic"
61–69 of 69

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