SAR's Operations

shocker... i dont mind about the cost for saving life's but at the same time be prepared at least! lol, quote: "Asked what police had said to them, Const Peat said they had been given "a fatherly talk""
well, as an American, I guess I can say this without undue controversy... "schtoopid Americans!"
I hope the fatherly talk included. For god sake don't give up tramping, learn from the experience, now go and have another try. When I was at high school we used to go into the Silver Peaks all the time and do schtoopid things. I remember getting stuck on ridges in the middle of the night, freezing our butts off when the southerly came through. The Silver Peaks used to be the easy hills where you could make all the schtoopid mistakes and get away with it. Then those 4 school boys, that were mentioned in the article, died of exposure up there and people started to think.. these hills are dangerous!! Now there are signs at the beginning of the tracks warning you that they are dangerous if you are not experienced. I wonder if we would have ever been allowed to go tramping if those signs were there when we were young and schtoopid.
You learn more from your failures than from your success'. I've done some stupid things no doubt. If i hadn't done them i would never have thought them possible.

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