Hut Bagging

Up to 234 at the moment, might add some to site to get my total above my current 121/420! What your guys totals? hut Bagging gets you to some places you would not have gone to before! As well as helps plan your trips!
Impressive! What are your favourite huts?
The problem with hut bagging is that you restrict yourself to places with huts. Better to be independant and get away from it all I reckon
Hut bagging is a great pastime. I'm into wilderness travel as well, which doesn't make me a hut bagger as such, but I always take photos of the huts I come across, usually of the interior as well:
1.) Ruahine Corner Hut 2.) Ikawetea Hut 3.) Anatoki Forks Hut 4.) Manson Hut 5.) Kakapo Hut I lol'd at above How does that work? I've been to many huts that hardly anyone goes to. As well as many huts with no tracks to them. On Waitangi we would never of gone into the Kawekas and walked 26km(3 map folds) for a max of 8 huts. Had a great time too. Got 20 that trip. And the last trip we went to 15 huts in the Ruahines and some places we would not have visited otherwise. We still go to remote places but not much of that left around home that is less ordinary than what you would see doing a popular walk. Many spectacular places have old N.Z.F.S huts situated in them...
Great pictures skylark
I've been to all but 7 of those huts and the new Speargrass and Crow huts
Yes, great idea to get you to different places. Facebook has some groups for various huts e.g. Carkeek and Koropuku huts. We also have a criterion for peak bagging that gets us all over the South Island. Some of the summits are hilariously insignificant but they motivate us to go to places we would not normally consider (or anyone else for that matter).

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